Who to Follow in 2020

Who should you follow in 2020?  With an election coming and what should be an easy win for President Trump to get another 4 years of keeping it America.  With more free time coming up for me I plan on putting more information in my post.  My information should save you time and money. I use past experiences and schooling to help people make life better.  I have this post, website and a Youtube channel.

I have always been one to learn fast. I like to learn from people that know what they are doing. In today’s terms its having a Guru or Mentor to guide you. People that have done what they are showing you and helping you along.  To have someone guide you along helps to succeed. Far to often someone will show you how to do something and then walk away.  When this happens you are only left with initial teaching.  I have found people learn in different ways and speeds.  For me to guide someone along has the best results. To give a person the best chance at success you should show,teach, teach back, show and then reinforce that you are there for them. As most people know when you show someone something you can’t show them all the “what ifs”. This is why you need to be there for their future questions.

With the way the world is moving to more online everything, so is tide in education. That is why with my post and Youtube channel I plan on teaching people in the least costly way I can see. For helping guide people on the internet takes and smaller cost then traditional schools and my time can be more direct. With standard schooling there are extra classes that add to the cost that may never come into your life ever again. I want my teaching on here to help you, save you money and cut your time to success by years.

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