20/20 See Making a Million$$

As 2019 is nearing the end with only 3 months to go you must start planning now for a great new year. With your online business or another form of a job. You should be ready for the highs and lows that the New Year will bring. Get your credit and financials in check. By starting now in 2019 should have everything set just after tax time next year to really grow yourself.

In the new year you should be planning to cut cost and be lean. The only way to stay ahead of your competition is to keep making your business better day after day. A good way to save money is cutting electric cost. Electric is something everyone needs so cut your cost.  Remember from my other Post to use rewards card whenever you can (gas,food,online) they all add up.

The other side of staying lean is yourself. Keeping healthy will keep you motivate to take on the daily challenges of life. If you don’t take care of you then the wolves at the door will start to take over. It is a doggy doggy world in life and business. As a saying goes “the runt of the litter dies”, don’t be the Runt. Get on a well balanced diet and workout plan. Treat yourself like the #1 piece of equipment you have to make you money. Always remember if you go down, so does your money.  OUCH!

 I really believe in a great saying “knowledge is power” the more you can learn the more well rounded you will be. I have lots of life experiences that tie into my education, but everyday I try to learn something new.  I watch videos, talk to people and read books on anything that might be new and upcoming. I once was talking to a guy back in 97 at a Madison Wi Bar that told me to invest everything I had into Amazon, but did I, NO.  That investment would have easily made me a millionaire today. Be open to hearing people. I am not saying that everything you hear will lead to money, but part of it might help you down the road. 

If your looking to grow, remember soon I will be doing Youtube videos. This will make it easier for me to spread more of my knowledge and help connect people of the same way of thinking together.