Government Paying for 14 years of School?


Should schools have a 14 year that is fully paid for like the standard k-12 is? The need for more education will be more practical than academic.  The schooling would be geared toward real-life and job workings that traditional books and tests. Schooling would have a natural flow into the real world or into maybe if needed going on to further education. 

Kids should be getting all the hard knowledge of life before leaving paid schooling. The government should prep kids with real-life education. I think that if you teach kids how bills get paid, how money is budgeted, and how planning early in life can really help in the long-term kids will have a better chance at success. Then you show them how work really is.  Letting them know 40 hours of work every week is what keeps you a job. You can show them what happens when people call off or business slows down and people need to be let go or laid off.  Have them build some sort of network to have people as references or a helpful supporter of their goals. Let them be a boss/manager over people.

The classes could have traditional teachers and professionals in different areas of work. When kids hear firsthand from a person that does a job day in and day out, they will get the real workings of the job.  Many times, I have gone for a job and only find out after starting it that things weren’t as described in the interview.  Make the school as real-life like a possible, early, and late hours. Have the days run short and over so adjustments must be made. Challenges in this 1-year addition will prep them without costing them.

The additional schooling will add professional jobs and help keep kids from falling into the system. As students would pass the 13th year.

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